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Needs Assessment Tool

This is a weekly survey! Food Systems Team Members, WSU Extension Faculty and Staff, Farmers, and Food System Partners! PLEASE Submit your weekly survey NOW! 

CLICK HERE to take survey for week of your choosing
CLICK HERE to take survey for week of your choosing

Why is it important to take this survey weekly?

  • To inform Statewide Leaders about the local and regional needs during COVID and resource allocation
  • Ability to share this information with your county and local stakeholders for decision making
  • To track changes over time to build a more resilient WA food system during COVID and beyond!




This information will be used in the following ways:

  •     To provide up to date information for WSU and partner organizations across the food system to assess their current efforts and help prepare for actions that need to be implemented 
  •     For WSU County Directors, CED, ANR, Y&F faculty and staff,  WSU Research and Extension Centers, and campuses across the WSU landscape to collect this important data for current needs and future analysis
  •     To update a WSU GIS system that will be used to share information to high level regional and state leaders about critical needs and the resource allocation or short-term attention to resolve them