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Food Systems Innovation Events

Revitalizing Regional Economies

Mel Darbyshire speaking at a podium as the keynote speaker for Cascadia Grains 2019.

The Food System Innovation Event models brings together experts from across value chains to collaborate and discuss solutions to pressing issues facing small to mid scale, regional farmers. Piloted through the Cascadia Grains Conference Initiative, this model has grown to encompass other areas of the food system as well, including the Peri Urban Agriculture Initiative, the Inland Northwest Artisan Grains Conference, the WA Meat Up, and the Quinoa Research Symposium.


Transdisciplinary Networking

We convene and connect growers, processors, brokers, investors, and policy-makers across the value chain.


Hands-on, High-Quality Educational Events

Our events provide a platform for the latest science, techniques, research, market opportunities, and hands-on learning.


Resources and Databases

Working to cultivate an economically viable network of market opportunities for locally-sourced, value-added products.


International Quinoa Symposium


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

August 17-19, 2020


WA Meat Up


This is a launching point…

WA Meat Up was created to catalyze collaboration and entrepreneurship along every link of the niche meat supply chain in Washington State. We’re hoping to inspire change, build resilience, foster viable farm and food businesses, and promote scaled processing and distribution systems.


Cascadia Grains Conference


The Cascadia Grains Conference and supporting events bring together farmers, bakers, brewers, distillers, brokers, investors, policy-makers and others to strengthen the role of grains in our local food economy by sharing the latest science, techniques, and developments, as well as creating a space in which new business, policy and research relationships can form and existing ones can be strengthened.


Peri Urban Agriculture Initiative


The Peri-Urban Agriculture Network aims to provide a supportive network of farmers, researchers, educators, policymakers, and community stakeholders working together to facilitate education and develop long-term strategies to keep farms and agricultural lifestyles viable in the face of urbanization pressures.